What if you could successfully grow your business without their influence?
There's a better way to do business.
Let's talk.
You’ve been in the online business space for a minute.
Business is going pretty decent but you’re looking for more support. You start looking at business coaches but for some reason or another it just isn’t a right fit.
The sales tactics they use are just bro marketing spray-painted pink with a heavy helping of toxic positivity.
You’ve become a more aware consumer over the last few years and you know that a lot of the “best practices” are just remixed versions of the same exclusionary practices that white supremacy and the patriarchy created.
You’re amazing at the work you do. You know the impact it has on your clients and that’s what drives you every day. But you feel stuck with the growth of your business because you don’t want to repeat problematic strategies.
​Making things even more complicated is the fact that you're afraid to change things too much in a way that would affect your bottom line. You have people counting on your business to succeed. YOU’RE counting on your business to succeed!

Yet it feels like the online space is hell-bent on making you feel okay about it because we’re getting money back in the hands of women (or insert marginalized group here).
And although you don’t agree, you’re starting to feel like, maybe this is the only way to grow your business.
But there’s gotta be a better way right?
There is.
What if instead of...
Feeling like you have to contort yourself to be successful
Feeling like every successful business tactic is oppressive
Feeling like you have you take any client who works with you.
You could feel...
Confident in your authenticity, embody radical self-acceptance and build a business that meets your needs.
Relieved knowing that you can be successful while running a values-driven business.
Deeply connected to your ideal client in a way that allows you to be selective.

“I've grown so much! I'm grateful that through the consistent work together, I'm able to get better at crafting my messaging, I've attracted more diverse clientele than ever before! I'm able to adequately state my values are my business values and I am forever working hard towards an anti-racist society and breaking down the systems of white supremacy and patriarchy.”
- Marissa
Building a business is our opportunity to have a monumental impact on our lives, our community, and society. We shouldn't have to use tools that oppress others and weren't meant for us to succeed (unless you're a cishet white man).
Your needs and values are a fundamental piece of creating a long-lasting sustainable business. You have lofty goals and you don't want to feel like you have to cast your values to the side to achieve them.
Do Biz Better is a program that is customized to where you are in your journey and what your business needs.
There’s no basic formula.
Why? In order for this work to be long-lasting it has to be something that meets your needs and is suited to your particular business. Because of that, the length of time that we’ll be working together will be decided on the consultation call. But just know we’ll be hanging out for at least 4 months.

I’m Alyssa - Your Business Coach
Long story short, I help entrepreneurs on their journey in divesting from white supremacy culture and patriarchal bullshit. But that wasn’t how I always started. When I first entered the coaching space 5 years ago I was a life coach for moms helping them overcome mom guilt and pursue their passions. But things shifted for me in June 2020 when the need for antiracism education became evident more than ever throughout the country. While I loved working with moms, the need for anti-racism education was starting to pull at me. I was watching coaches everyday struggle to authentically implement anti-racism practices within their business, They needed help, they needed the education, and I knew I could provide it to them. So I did.
Over the last 5 years, I’ve spent my time in the online space being a keen observer of the norms of the business world. While also working with a wide array of businesses, from solopreneurs at the very inception of their business to multi-million dollar companies with worldwide teams.
From working deeply with business owners doing anti-racism work to hate-watching certain business coaches, to conversations with people who I adore in this space, to watching coaches I admire… it became incredibly clear how pervasive patriarchal and white supremacist norms are embedded into business norms.
Instead of continuing to watch in frustration and hoping that enough business coaches would be willing to change, I decided to become the business coach who would create a new norm in how we do business.
Business coaching is a highly personal experience. Everyone is on different journeys with different goals. Whether that be internal mindset or strategic
within your business.
Feel free to share with me your goals, your journey thus far, and what you'd like the most support with. Here are some common topics I've supported clients with:
Tossing away the old strategy of pain points and creating urgency, I teach my clients to get to know their ideal clients more intimately. We explore their motivations, what's led them to your business, and what they need to hear from you to ensure you're the right fit for them. We also take an intersectional look at your ideal client to make sure you aren't limiting your audience.
Client Retention
Long-term repeat clients can create an immense amount of stability for business owners. Although your clients adore you, love doesn't keep someone paying. I support my clients through creating programs that meet their clients where they are, teach them how to create psychological safety in group programs, and create a supportive client journey.
Leading your clients to have more impactful results with you.
CEO Mindset
The way the patriarchy is set up makes it difficult for us to turn our back on it. Common thinking patterns such as all-or-nothing thinking, belief in only one right way, and the fear of losing it all, make it difficult to make values-aligned decisions. We work together to dismantle those thinking patterns and everything else the patriarchy has groomed us with.
Non-Oppressive Leadership
A lot of what we've learned about leadership has been through the patriarchy's blueprint. As a result of that, many people don't resonate with the idea of leadership or are having trouble finding a method that embodies their values and authenticity.
Sustainable Business
A successful business is one that doesn't constantly lead to burnout. Patriarchal norms have taught us that assimilation, not trusting yourself, and hustling are the ways to success. But it's a fast track to burnout. I support my clients in creating a business that fully supports their needs, allows them to be their authentic self and is financially successful without constant urgency.
Equitable Business Structures
Equity is a major value for many of my clients, yet they aren't sure how to incorporate it without giving too much of themselves. I teach my clients how to incorporate equitable business structures that go beyond the dollar amount and that fully support their future clients.

“My business has transformed from taking any client who wanted to work with me to being intentional about who I actually work best with. Now, my business is filled with women who I ADORE working with and are EXTREMELY happy with my coaching. Alyssa has helped me uncover my authentic voice in my copy too which has taken me a LIFETIME to find!​
I finally feel like ME in my life and business. Because of my self-love and self-acceptance, I can now love and accept others in much deeper ways which allows me to create the exact legacy I want in this world. I feel like a badass of love - ha!
Do not overthink signing up, or think you can do this on your own or you will do it later. As someone who did all the self-study anti-racist and even business or leadership things, you can’t. None of those things even scratch the surface of what you’ll get inside her program. Sign up and thank me later.”
- Lindsay