Hi There!
I'm Alyssa Hall, an African-American and Cuban mom to a 4-year-old and an Anti-Racism Coach. I work with coaches and other service providers on their journey to becoming actively anti-racist. I help them become better allies and work with them on making that a foundational piece of their business.
A few fun facts :)
Why do I do what I do?
I've dealt with mental health struggles my entire adult life, flip-flopping between depression and anxiety on the regular. It was difficult for me to finally seek out a therapist, so when I did it felt like I would be on the road to moving past my mental health struggles. However, the therapist I found was extremely prejudiced. We only had one session together and she already had formed an opinion about me, what my problem was, would barely let me speak and was extremely dismissive. I felt terrible afterwards and because of that experience I dealt with my depression and anxiety without seeking help for another few years.
Even though I knew that wouldn't be my experience with all therapists, I didn't want to have to potentially run into another therapist like her.
Where am I now?
When I began this work I wanted to not only help foster better allies, but I thought about my experience with that therapist. I realized I could make a larger impact if I not only helped coaches become anti-racist in their daily lives, but what if I could also make it so that their businesses could help uplift the Black community as well?
With more coaches being safe spaces for Black people, that's another way to help uplift the community.
I decided to use my coaching skills and life experience to do just that.